Mesothelioma Attorneys by State > Vermont
Vermont Mesothelioma Attorney
Asbestos Exposure by Vermont Cities:
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer in the state of Vermont, it is highly recommended that you seek the help and assistance of an experienced Vermont mesothelioma lawyer. A professional Vermont mesothelioma attorney will guide you through the legal proceedings involved in filing a law suit against the company or person responsible for causing the asbestos contamination that led to the development of your malignant mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a rare form of lung cancer that is caused as a result of asbestos exposure. Asbestos in its intact form is not harmful to humans, but once disturbed or damaged, it releases many microscopic fibers into the atmosphere which can easily be ingested or inhaled into the human body. These fibers can deposit within the respiratory system and give rise to a number of dangerous diseases associated with asbestos exposure.
There are many companies and industries across America that make use of asbestos in their operations and productions. Among these, are those owned by people who either willingly, or unwillingly fail to inform their workers about the risks that are posed by asbestos exposure that may harm them and their families. As a result of this work site negligence, many workers unknowingly fall victim to dangerous diseases such as mesothelioma, which is fatal to humans. In Vermont the mining 1 of asbestos has contaminated many areas, and caused many people to develop asbestos related diseases.
Mesothelioma and asbestos:
Mesothelioma is the most deadly complication of asbestos exposure and is also very difficult to diagnose. There are various factors that are responsible for this, including the fact that the latency period of the disease is very long and hence it is likely that the cancer does not present any symptoms or manifestations till decades after the initial asbestos exposure that led to the development of the disease. Another factor that contributes to the tricky diagnosis is the fact that the expansion pattern of this particular cancer is quite different from other cancers as it expands in a sheet like manner instead of the normal lumping spreading pattern that many other cancers seem to possess. Mesothelioma still poses a grave threat to people today because there are still large amounts of asbestos present occurring naturally near the mining sites of the state of Vermont, which when disturbed, can release minute asbestos fibers into the air. These fibers then cause diseases once inhaled or ingested. If you have lost a loved one to mesothelioma, you can file a case and claim retribution for the pain and suffering that you are going through by contacting a Vermont mesothelioma lawyer.
Mining of asbestos in Vermont:
Vermont is famous for being the pioneer in the field of asbestos mining in America, but even with this title, the state is on the 47th rank in terms of asbestos related fatalities that have been reported. The state has naturally occurring deposits of asbestos 2.The mining and extraction of asbestos started for the first time in the state in the year 1899 by the New England Asbestos Mining and Milling Company. The first asbestos mining site was Mount Belvidere. The mining of the toxic mineral progressed to such an extent that by the year 1930, the mines of the state were supplying the mineral to the whole country. It is a fact that even during that time, all hazard and risks posed by the exposure of asbestos to anyone who comes into contact with it, either directly or indirectly were probably known, and yet the mining process was in full operation and continued till the mid 1990’s.
Asbestos contamination in Vermont:
Vermont is one of the many states in America which are home to naturally occurring deposits of asbestos, as well as the mineral being used in the operations of many industries and companies across the state. There are many schools, production facilities, power generations plants, hospitals and educational institutes that have been constructed using asbestos as a core component in terms of insulation. These places also use the mineral in various other operations as well. It is therefore highly likely that workers and employees at these facilities have come into contact with the toxic mineral and are at the risk of developing dangerous diseases that are induced as a result of asbestos exposure. Although Vermont has implemented strict rules for the regulation of the use of asbestos in the state, there are many people who have already been exposed to the mineral at their job sites and through asbestos contaminated areas. The material is also not entirely banned either 3 and is still used in various applications throughout the country, although strictly monitored. If you have been exposed to asbestos at your work place and developed this fatal cancer, you should contact a Vermont mesothelioma attorney and file a case.
Asbestos used in buildings:
Before the strict regulations regarding the use of asbestos were implemented across the country in the year 1980, the mineral was readily and widely used in the construction industry. Many industrial, commercial as well as residential buildings and structures were built using asbestos as a core component. The main application of the mineral was in insulation whereby it was used in tiling, pipes, flooring, spray on textures and insulations, ceiling tiles and hundreds of other commercial products which were in use at that time. Many of the buildings that were constructed using asbestos still exist today and pose a grave threat to the people who come in contact with them, especially for demolition and renovation projects.
Mesothelioma treatment centers in Vermont:
The following mesothelioma centers can be contacted in the state of Vermont, in case you have worked at an asbestos contaminated site and want to get a mesothelioma screening done. These centers also treat mesothelioma victims:
BURLINGTON, VT 05401-3498