There are different areas of law, and when it comes to Mesothelioma Law, an Asbestos Lawyer is best equipped to handle these cases. Since most negligent parties tend to deny responsibility outright, an Asbestos Lawyer is a “must” if you have been exposed to the carcinogen. The logic here is a simple one, if you have been in continuous contact with asbestos; it is highly likely that you will develop mesothelioma. What is mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that occurs when microscopic fibers make its way to the outer lung tissue. These microscopic fibers are usually of asbestos—causing cancer as a result.
Asbestos is a natural occurring substance that has been used across many industrial fields. As a material, it was widely used because of its fire and heat resistant properties. At the height of America’s industrial expansion, it was used in chemical plants, oil refineries, shipyards and railroad cars. Equipped with legal knowledge in asbestos related cases, an Asbestos Lawyer will help you obtain monetary compensation. Needless to say, medical bills for mesothelioma often run into hundreds of thousands, and in some cases millions. Your Asbestos Lawyer will help you to recover damages so as to cover medical expenses. Like any other type of law, asbestos law can be very complex, your Asbestos Lawyer will have to consider how your exposure occurred, the seriousness of your disease as well as whom is responsible for your exposure.
To briefly go back in history, during America’s industrial expansion, as technology advanced, new uses were discovered for asbestos. This new avenues employed asbestos on a large scale, many of which are still present in our immediate-environment today. Ask any Asbestos Lawyer, and they will tell you that the health risks posed by this substance led to it being widely regulated. Prior to this, it was used as insulation in sky scrapers as well as in materials used in the construction industry. In the construction industry, it was used in cements, ceilings, floor tiles, plaster; among others. Of the natural occurring substances used by man, it is high on the list of ‘very dangerous materials’ as it sometimes take years for it to manifest as cancer. You must speak to an Asbestos Lawyer if you have been exposed.
The law acknowledges the risk posed by asbestos, as observed in Anderson v. Saberhagen Holdings, Inc. The court held “Every occupational and bystander exposure to asbestos [is a] substantial contributing factor to Mesothelioma” Anderson v. Saberhagen Holdings, Inc., No. 10 Civ. 61118, 2011 U.S. Dist. Lexis 15870 (E.D. Pa. Feb. 16, 2011).
In non-legal terms, there exists a link between the exposure to asbestos and Mesothelioma. With the right Asbestos Lawyer on your side, you will recover what is due to you. Note, it is the responsibility of every employer to provide an environment that is safe, conducive and healthy. When employees are exposed to hazardous materials, “a Duty” is breached. When a duty is breached, the need for remedy arises. As such, an Asbestos Lawyer will seek relevant damages on your behalf. Also, developing Mesothelioma does not necessarily mean that you have to be physically subjected to the working circumstances that cause the actual exposure. In fact, it is possible to develop mesothelioma through second hand exposure, e.g. handling the clothes of someone that has been exposed to asbestos. The carcinogen may also be carried on one’s hair and skin.
The concept of responsibility is in black and white, and as evident in every Mesothelioma case, there will always ‘exist’ the need for an Asbestos Lawyer. Stated differently, an asbestos settlement requires an Asbestos Lawyer. Although compensation is the end goal, every Asbestos Lawyer has one solitary objective, that is, to establish the connection between your mesothelioma and that of your exposure to asbestos. Bear in mind, many employers kept on exposing their workers to this material, while taking in huge profits at the same time. When you hire an Asbestos Lawyer, you position yourself to recover that which is rightfully due to you.