Mesothelioma Attorneys by State > Georgia
Georgia Mesothelioma Attorney
Asbestos Exposure by Georgia Cities:
If you have been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma, you must immediately contact an experienced Georgia mesothelioma attorney and file a lawsuit against the asbestos-contaminated company that caused you to develop this deadly condition. Asbestos exposure is the only known cause of mesothelioma, and an experienced Georgia mesothelioma lawyer can help you file your case.
Mesothelioma is a deadly disease caused by asbestos inhalation. It is a cancer of the mesothelium, which is the lining of the inner body cavities like the peritoneal cavity [1] and other vital organs. This condition and has no cure. Many workers in Georgia have been diagnosed with this fatal condition when they inhaled asbestos unknowingly at their work sites in the 1960’s through the 90’s.
Asbestos and mesothelioma:
For years and years, all construction that has taken place in Georgia has made use of asbestos in one way or the other. Due to this, numerous residents of the state have fallen victim to the consequences of asbestos exposure and developed mesothelioma, a deadly cancer. It is a fact that mesothelioma may start manifesting its symptoms and signs decades, sometimes 20- 50 years after the asbestos exposure that led to its development, which means that all workers and residents of Georgia who have come into contact with asbestos products or fibers at any point in time are at a high risk for developing mesothelioma.
Asbestos Deposits in Georgia
Natural deposits of asbestos: Countless natural deposits of asbestos occur mainly in the northern part of Georgia. These asbestos deposits can primarily be found near the northern borders of the state. South Carolina borders and the northwestern part of the state [2] have the maximum sites where asbestos can be found in Georgia. These deposits then continue all the way to the famous Westpoint Lake region.
Power Plants: Power plants all over the country use significant amounts of asbestos, and Georgia is no exception, power plant sites can cause possible asbestos exposure in their workers, and not only are the job sites at risk, but the protective clothing of workers also used to be lined with asbestos during the 1970’s, making the workers come in direct contact with asbestos in case of tears in their clothing. The insulation properties of asbestos are very good; this is why it was used in protective clothing of workers and also firemen.
Paper mills: The biggest company that is responsible for the most number of cases reported as a result of asbestos exposure is Georgia Pacific, which is located in Atlanta. The structure of the building consists of various asbestos and asbestos containing components, but apart from this the company has also been involved in paper and pulp production and manufacturing. The company has so far fought all claims of asbestos contamination and has stated that it is now asbestos free.
If you have worked at any asbestos contaminated job site in Georgia, and suffer from malignant mesothelioma, you should file your case as soon as possible by contacting a Georgia mesothelioma attorney.
Deaths due to asbestos related conditions:
In Georgia, more than five hundred people have died as a result of asbestos exposure, and out of these, around three hundred and twenty fatalities were caused due the asbestos induced cancer, mesothelioma. The largest number of these cases was reported from Cobb, Fulton, DeKalb, as well as Richmond Counties among others.
Georgia Asbestos and Mesothelioma Facts:
- In the US, the state of Georgia ranks 3rd for the number of malignant mesothelioma deaths.
- A total of 264 deaths due to mesothelioma have occurred in the US between the years 1999 and 2005.
- The number of Georgia residents who died from asbestos related disease likes asbestosis; mesothelioma and lung cancer is 538.
- The counties that reported the number of cases of malignant mesothelioma are Fulton County, Chatham County and DeKlab County.
Georgia mesothelioma attorney: Job sites with known asbestos exposure
Some of the sites in Georgia which pose threat to the health of people due to asbestos exposure have been enlisted as follows:
Asbestos exposure has been reported from nearly 66 counties all over the state, and the number may rise in case more cases are reported. The largest number of cases was reported from Atlanta, Georgia where there are many sites with confirmed asbestos exposure risks. According to a survey conducted by the government, Georgia was home to 17 asbestos mines. Majority of these mines have been shut down by authorities but there are still many industries and companies that pose a threat to the health of residents and workers due to asbestos usage.
Atlanta Job sites: Following are the sites with confirmed asbestos exposure risks: In Atlanta, Mead Paper mill, Georgia Power, GM plant, Fulton Cotton Mills, Hyatt Regency Hotel and Owens Corning.
Baxley: In Baxley, Hatch Nuclear Plant.
Columbus Job sites: In Columbus, there is Swift Manufacturing.
Chamblee: In Chamblee, the Foote and Davies Company and Eastman Kodak are listed.
Cedar Springs job sites: In Cedar Springs, the Southeastern Pulp and Georgia Pacific Company have been listed.
There are many companies with known asbestos exposure spread throughout Georgia apart from the above mentioned ones. The above mentioned companies are a few of many that exposed their employees to asbestos exposure.
Georgia mesothelioma treatment centers:
The state of Georgia has some of the best mesothelioma treatment centers located in it. If you have worked at any of the above mentioned job sites, you should get a mesothelioma screening done as soon as possible. If a mesothelioma diagnosis gets confirmed, you should consult a Georgia mesothelioma lawyer and file your case. The following cancer treatment centers provide treatment to mesothelioma victims.