Mesothelioma Attorneys by State > Colorado
Colorado Mesothelioma Attorney
Asbestos Exposure by Colorado Cities:
An experienced Colorado mesothelioma attorney can help you make a case against the companies that have asbestos contaminated job sites, if you have worked at such a site and developed mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure [1]. A good mesothelioma lawyer will help you file a claim against these companies and claim retribution for the pain and suffering that you are going through.
Many people have lost a loved one due to malignant mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer of the mesothelium, which is the lining of the internal body organs like the heart, lungs and inner body cavities. This cancer affects the mesothelium due to exposure to asbestos. Asbestos particles are very fine and can easily be ingested or inhaled when they are airborne. In cases of mesothelioma, the ingestion or inhalation of asbestos fibers and particles can prove fatal to the person exposed to them.
In Colorado many people have been diagnosed with this deadly disease due to exposure to asbestos at the work place. mesothelioma is usually diagnosed at the latest stages, this is because mesothelioma is usually developed decades after asbestos exposure, and by the time it is reported, the disease has usually become fatal.
Types of naturally occurring asbestos in Colorado
Colorado consists of many old mining towns spread throughout the state, and due to this reasons the risks of asbestos contamination in the state are high. The naturally occurring asbestos that exists in Colorado includes highly toxic varieties, which are considered very dangerous and may cause the development of mesothelioma [2]. Amphibole asbestos also occurs naturally in Colorado which is another highly toxic form of asbestos that can cause mesothelioma.
Uses of asbestos in the Colorado area
Asbestos has been extensively used in Colorado in a variety of applications and in many industries. Asbestos is an extremely heat resistant, fire proof and cost effective material, and due to this reason it was used in construction materials like pipes, tiles, insulation, and roofing materials and also in protective clothing and outer wear
Job Sites that have been linked to asbestos exposure in Colorado:
A few well known job sites that have been linked with asbestos exposure in the state of Colorado are the University of Colorado Medical Center in Boulder, Cameo Power plant in Cameo, Nixon power plant and city power plant in Colorado Springs, Craig power plant in the city of Craig, Hilton Hotel, Zuini power plant, Conoco Refinery and many more in Denver, Fort Carson, Ray Nixon power plant in Fountain, University of Colorado in Greeley, Rocky Flats power house in Rocky Flats and Pueblo Powerhouse in Pueblo. These are among many more known areas of asbestos exposure in the state of Colorado. If you or a loved one has worked at an asbestos contaminated job site, you can file a claim against the companies by contacting an experienced Colorado mesothelioma attorney.
Risks of asbestos exposure and Mesothelioma in Colorado
The state of Colorado is very diverse geologically, and because of this reason, there are many sites that are considered high risk areas for asbestos exposure. Asbestos naturally occurs in Colorado in the Rocky Mountain ridge region as well as in the San Juan Mountain regions [3]. The town of Cortez is another well known site of asbestos exposure. Apart from these, the cities of Denver, Fort Collins, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Aspen and Junction are areas that have all been linked with asbestos exposure and are considered high risk areas. Many of these areas have naturally occurring asbestos which can be found in particular places. There are also many power plants that have been exposing people to asbestos, along with industries that had supplied goods contaminated with asbestos to suppliers and manufacturers. Some of the most high risk areas are former mining towns where asbestos contamination risk is the highest.
Mesothelioma in Colorado
The cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure, and in Colorado, work related asbestos [4] contamination is the biggest risk factor for developing mesothelioma. Second hand exposure is also another risk factor for developing mesothelioma or asbestos related lung disease. Most workers who developed mesothelioma in Colorado were not even aware of the dangers and risks associated with asbestos at the time of exposure. In seventy to eighty percent of the reported cases of mesothelioma, almost all the people were exposed to asbestos in their work place. Asbestos fibers are easily inhaled and they attach themselves to the mesothelial lining of the body and cause disease which does not get diagnosed until its latest stages, decades later.
Colorado mesothelioma attorneys: Legal facts for Colorado residents
There have been at least 400 deaths from diseases caused by asbestos exposure in Colorado since the year 1979. In Colorado, court rulings are almost always in favor of the victims of mesothelioma in such cases. Mining companies have been charged with neglect and are usually charged with paying for the medical treatment of asbestos related diseased individuals. If you or your loved one developed mesothelioma after working at mining company you should contact a Colorado mesothelioma lawyer to help you file your case.
What options are available in Colorado to treat mesothelioma?
In Colorado medical advances and treatments have increased the life expectancy of mesothelioma victims from 1 year to 2 to 5 years. There are many treatment options available in the state of Colorado and a mesothelioma doctor should be consulted for the best treatment options. There have been new breakthroughs in research and new drugs have been developed to improve the outlook of patients suffering from mesothelioma in Colorado. The state has some of the best mesothelioma treatment centers in the country, these include:
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