The Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies asbestos as a carcinogen. Cases of exposure are tremendously high among Korean, Vietnam, and even WWII Army Veterans. Under Asbestos Law, Army Asbestos Exposure victims may seek an asbestos settlement. Asbestos was widely used as insulation in Army installations as well as in parts of Army machinery and vehicles. Like the Air-Force, Army Asbestos Exposure type applications were widespread. Asbestos was common to Electrical Wire Insulation, Brakes, Cockpit heater system, Torque Gaskets, Valves, Heat Shields for Engines; among many others. Since asbestos is the only substance that causes mesothelioma, Army Asbestos Exposure victims may seek compensation under Asbestos Law.
In general, asbestos exposures may be classified as Industrial, Product, Second Hand and Military. In these different types of asbestos exposures, the manufacturer, contractor or employer may be held responsible for the exposure. However, in an Army Asbestos Exposure (Military Exposure), it is the manufacturer of such asbestos-based-product that is usually responsible. Unlike other diseases that are quick to manifest, mesothelioma may lay dormant for many years, causing serious health damage as a consequence. Since Asbestos Law generally excludes the Army from lawsuits, litigation would be centered on proving that the manufacturer of the product in question is responsible for your mesothelioma.
While it is your legal right to seek a settlement, an Army Asbestos Exposure compensation generally equalizes the loss of services and employment that results from a mesothelioma diagnosis. The filing of an Army Asbestos Exposure claim is easy as contacting a mesothelioma attorney. Upon contact, your attorney will analyze your situation, nature of exposure and advise you on the possible course of action. While most Army Asbestos Exposure cases consequently end up in front of a jury, your lawyer may reach a resolve prior trial as defendants often settle before trial begins. As your situation calls for, your lawyer will attempt to reach a settlement that is in proportion to your damages. Bear in mind, there is no known cure for mesothelioma, compensation will allow you to afford and care for your disorder.
Army Asbestos Exposure also occurred in Barracks, Training facilities and Mess Halls. Army Asbestos Exposure was predominantly high among mechanics working on army vehicles. In that it was used in gaskets, brakes, and as fire resistant in different tanks and trucks. Under Asbestos Law, the litigation of an Army Asbestos Exposure case will generally narrow down to three things, that is, the Product, your Asbestos Exposure and your Mesothelioma. As relevant to the product, your attorney will establish and prove that you did handle the asbestos-product in question, or rather, that you worked where asbestos fibers were released by manufacturer’s products. Further, your attorney will prove that the manufacturer of such product failed to warn users of the asbestos in its product. Lastly, your attorney will establish the link between ‘your’ mesothelioma and exposure to asbestos. With this established, your attorney will seek compensatory damages for your consequent mesothelioma. Keep in mind, the whole process will not begin until you contact a law firm and speak with an attorney. Just as in a non-military exposure, an Army Asbestos Exposure will affect family life, social life as well as your ability to keep on earning an income. While asbestos has lost its status in the industry, it is still present in Army buildings, e.g., tiles, ceilings, wall insulation among others.
The ultimate objective in every Army Asbestos Exposure Case is to seek a settlement. It is your legal right to seek compensation as such. The overall fact may be summarized as follows: The inhalation of asbestos particles consequently leads to mesothelioma, and since the manufacturers of these carcinogen-based products were aware of the dangers posed by asbestos, they must remedy the damages caused by their products. When you speak to an attorney, you increase your chances of receiving a just compensation.